Friday, July 8, 2011

29 weeks!!!

I am growing by leaps and bounds! I can't believe we have made it this far and I am still at home. Yeah!! Bed rest at home is so much better than bed rest in the hospital. I get to see my little man all the time, which is amazing! I love being able to spend so much time with him and watching him grow and change. He is becoming so independent in everything he does. He is also so smart. He comes up with the funniest comments. One day he was climbing on the ottoman and fell down. I asked him if he fell and was hurt and he replied, "No, I'm stretching!" Nice cover! It will be hard to leave him to go back to work in several months.

I just got the results of my glucose screen and am bummed to find out I failed the test. Now I have to go back and do the 3 hour test. I had to do that when I was pregnant with Chase and it was awful. At least then I had the hospital bed to lay in while I was waiting. This time I will have to sit in the office. Yuck! Also, found out I am anemic and will be starting on iron. I have my next OB appointment next week so we will get to see how baby is doing at that appointment.

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